Tag: Macedonia


Web-Conference „Equal Power to the Women. How to enhance changes?“

29 March 2018, 13:00-16:30, online

(conference is co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is free of charge)

(more information and registration)

13:15-13:20       “The whys and whats of the Conference”, mag. Natalie C. Postružnik, Institute Izida Vita, Slovenia

13:20-13:30       Official Opening by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, H. E. Ambassador prof. dr. Milan Jazbec

PART 1: We break borders, we boost benefits.

Moderator: Dejan Andonov, Institute of Communication Studies


13:30-14:45       “Women`s voice in decision-making process” – Mila Carovska, Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the Republic of Macedonia

13:45-14:00       “Facts and figures: How can gender equality improve results in an organization?” – mag. Sonja Šmuc, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

14:00-14:15       “Changes in Europe, changes for women: What can I do?” – Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha, Founder and Executive Director of Redscope Consulting, Belgium

PART 2: We measure. We manifest. We mean business.

Moderator: Dejan Andonov, Institute of Communication Studies

14:15-14:25       “What prevents women to reach highest governing positions?” – Gzime Fejzi, Women’s Business Group at the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia

14:25-14:35       “Female managers: How to balance buisness and family” – Danica Licanin Blazevska, Owner of Reptil Markets, Macedonia

14:35-14:45       “The activities and measures for inclusion: What can I do?” – Marta Turk, Mentor for entrepreneurial talents and stars, Slovenia

14:45-15:00       Q&A Session

PART 3: We care. We commit. We change.

Moderator: Dejan Andonov, Institute of Communication Studies

15:00-15:15       “Strategy for Women Entrepreneurship in Republic of Macedonia” – Valentina Disoska, President of Association of Business Women – Macedonia

15:15-15:30       “From Ideation to Managing” – Gabriela Kostovska Bogoevska, Director of YES Incubator, Macedonia

15:30-15:45       “State Support for Lunching Business” – Biljana Jovanovska, Director of Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia

15:45-16:00       “How to Access EU Funds” – Ilija Vuckov, President of ILUMINE Centre for EU Funds, Macedonia

16:00-16:15       Q&A Session

16:15-16:30       “Guidelines on Gender Equality: take part, be part, create the change you want to see” – mag. Natalie C. Postružnik, Institute Izida Vita, Slovenia.

Projekt: Enakopravna moč ženskam / Equal power to the women